Agak lama dah tak sapu habuk dekat blog ni kan . well . maybe i dont know what to write ha ,then lack of time sebab short semester ni kelas aku kebanyakanyna 8 pagi till late evening . jelous kot tengok orang lain dekat rumah buat tahi , haha .
actually aku pun tak tahu nak tulis apa . just nak cakap aku tak ok sangat sejak akhir- akhir ni . banyak problem kot dekat hotak aku ni , and aku tak tahu kat sapa aku nak spreadkan masalah aku . aku takda sapa2 dekat nilai ni yang aku boleh () . tapi kalau jadi macam ni memang macam haram ah . biarlah . i have my mom , she will be always in my mind ,love you mummy. when i'm thinking about her , i feel more calm and closer to her even she is far from me now .biarlah . . lagipun. its not a necessary thing that i have to think about all the time ha . apa aku suppose to do . belajar macam biasa ,pergi ke kelas hari2 walaupun malas gila ( sometimes aku terpaksa ponteng juga )and what the most important aku mesti fokus to my foundation study .pointer aku asyik ( 3.0 > ) ja . bila ah nama aku boleh terselit dalam senarai dekan ^^ . haih . jeles kot tengok slip dyorang yg remark deanlist . haha .ape lagi kalau tengok kawan lain dah graduate dari CFS ni . next semester dah pergi Gombak . kat sana ah baru orang panggil mahasiswa kan . Lol . haha
okay ah brotha wal sista . aku akan pastikan blog aku penuh dengan entry entry baru lepas ni . tunggu okay . jangan lupa follow my blog i will follow you back . thanX sebab sudi baca ^^
make sure ur mom always in ur mind !! :) <3 my mom tOO..
ReplyDeletehaha, nice blog dude, keep it up, btw, I hate this stupid chicken. kelakar hahahaha.
ReplyDeletecik kimah husin : yeah . thank . you too :)
ReplyDeletefarid : ayam ni banyak jasa kot . haha .
ReplyDeleteee, sumpah ayam tu gedik. haha
ReplyDeleteapesal? maybe dye buat muke tahi dye kan . haha
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ReplyDeletethanx . follow me and i will follow you mizz nia aysruq :)